Wednesday 25 November 2009

Looking at front covers

When I thought about the type of style and format I wanted my front cover to be , I needed to decide on what my main feature would be.

I decided to use my friend and dress her in the style of pixie lot, lady gaga etc...

these are a collection of styles I am aiming to achieve through my photography.

I feel that the bold make up and striking poses grab the audiences attention straight away and make the artist appear interesting and unusual , this convinces the reader to read the magazine as they want to know what the article is about.

The clothes worn are almost as important as the artists themselves. Readers like to see the unusual clothes worn and get inspiration for a new style of clothes.

However this type of artist does not appeal to a wide range of audiences. To ensure that I'm not being too specific with the target audience the writing and other features displayed on my front cover will try and attract wider audience whilst at the same time showing of the main article.

Analysing these front covers has given me inspiration for my own format and I know now the kind of style I need to achieve in order to reach out to a wide target audience. I need to ensure that the pose and style of the model won't just reach out to a female audience but also a male. This is what worries me with a single female artist however if i was to use an all boy band the same thing may happen but other way round.

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